What’s Your Action Style?

The element of your Mars sign can influence how you assert yourself and express your desires

While Venus can describe who you like and what you’re attracted to, Mars provides intel on how you go after those desires.

Do you make strategic moves like you’re playing chess? Or are you impulsive in taking action?

Your Mars sign describes how you assert yourself, what motivates you, and how you get what you want. In dating, your Mars sign could show up in your method of pursuing a mate or the type of energy exchange that stimulates sexual desires.

Knowing your action style (and your partner’s) can help you determine the best approach in relationships.

Don’t know your Mars sign? Find out how to get a free birth chart here.

Mars in Fire: Direct Approach

Mars in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) gives people a passionate and direct approach. They are stimulated by movement, enthusiasm, and action. They are known to get what they want, and quickly. In fact, these types can be impatient with too many complexities or intricacies.

Unlike Mars in water or air folks, they don’t strategize or play mind games. Their goals and desires are generally clear. Mars in Fire natives assert themselves through direct physical action.

Mars in Earth: Steady Approach

Mars in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) gives people a strong sense of determination. They are not afraid of hard work—Mars in earth folks know that anything worth having is worth working for. They have a good sense of what’s realistic and attainable.

People born with Mars in an earth sign assert themselves through tangible accomplishments. To get what they want, they use their persistence and patience. They are stimulated by discipline, challenges, and responsibilities.

Mars in Air: Ideological Approach

Mars in an air sign (Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius) gives people an intellectual approach. They’re adept at employing tactics and strategies to achieve their desires. Generally, Mars in Air folks are polished. They often have plenty of interests and motivations.

Mars in Air natives assert themselves by expressing their ideas. To get what they want, these Mars types use their cleverness and persuasion. They are stimulated by relationships, new ideas, societal issues, and mental challenges.

Mars in Water: Indirect Approach

Mars in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) gives people a tendency to rely on their instincts to get things done. Their emotional power drives them. They feel their way through life, often using strategy and roundabout tactics to achieve their desires.

Mars in Water natives assert themselves by tapping into their emotional power. To get what they want, these Mars types use their intuition. They are stimulated by deep-rooted desires, intense emotional experiences, and feeling needed by others.


How to Get A Free Birth Chart


A Beginner’s Guide to Relationship Planets